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International earth charter creative training
12. Juni 2024 um 17:00 | 16. Juni 2024 um 16:00
Transformation in Action – 4 days, 4 themes,
4 creative tools for transformation
In Cleves (Kleve), 20 participants from Portugal, the Netherlands and Germany will join together in an inspiring training to indulge themselves in the principles of the Earth Charter. With this knowledge, you can pave the way and spread the word in your own communities.
Youth workers and educators will extend their knowledge and competences through direct learning of various innovative and best practice concepts in the fields of education for sustainable development (ESD).
This training will contribute to more coresponsibility and sustainability in everyday private and political life and in intercultural and interreligious coexistence. It will deepen your understanding of different living conditions, different perspectives and global contexts as well as strengthening intercultural competence, communication and cooperation skills, empathy, ways of conflict resolution and international cooperation based on partnership.
Join us!


Date: Wednesday 12th of June (5pm) – Sunday 16th of June 2024 (4pm)
Location: Vlierhof Eco-Community & Holistic Retreatcenter, Kleve/ Cleves, Germany, info@vlierhof.org
Trainers: Monique van Dam (Netherland) and Torben Flörkemeier (Germany)
Costs: 60 – 200 Euro (depending on your possibilities) This includes seminar fee, food and accomodation – room or tent
The trainers

Torben Flörkemeier, Germany
The transformation researcher and theater coach Torben Flörkemeier has been leading the Earth Charter Ambassador trainings since 2014. He lives with his young daughter, partner, grandmother and animals in a family community on a farm in East Westphalia-Lippe. He experiments with holism in a very practical way there by renovating the old farmhouse ecologically and reactivating the surrounding orchards in a variety of ways.

Monique van Dam, Netherland
Vlierhof is a small-scale ecological residential community, with an orchard, vegetable garden and large greenhouse. We live and work in this beautiful place, which we tend with love.
Vlierhof is also a small-scale retreat centre with seminar house, sweat lodge, sauna and small nature campsite. Here we offer space for all kinds of consciousness growth, personal development movement, connection, relaxation and well-being.
During the day we will hold our seminar on a farm nearby.

Allgemeine Infos Erd-Charta-Seminare:
*Die Erd-Charta ist ein ethischer Rahmen für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Das Dokument ist in einem weltweiten zivil-gesellschaftlichen Prozess entstanden aus dem eine Bewegung hervorging, die vor allem die Interdependenz (gegenseitige Abhängigkeiten) weltweiter Probleme betont und eine Vision schafft für eine solidarische und friedliche Welt für alle. Die Weltdekade Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung der UNESCO zeichnete die Erd-Charta 2012 als strukturbildende Maßnahme. Sie bildet die Grundlage unserer Bildungsarbeit in Deutschland. Das Seminar ist Begleitprogramm unserer Erd-Charta-Botschafter*innen-Ausbildung, kann jedoch auch ohne Vorkenntnisse besucht werden. Wir freuen uns auf Dich!
*Alle Termine gelten unter Vorbehalt. Wir behalten uns vor das Programm gegebenenfalls anzupassen. Informationen hierzu erhaltet ihr auf unserer Webseite bei den entsprechenden Veranstaltungen.